Why Do Dogs Bark?
Dogs bark for a variety of reasons. Dogs bark to communicate with you, with other dogs or to express how they are feeling. When dogs play together they bark. This is just a way that they are telling each other something. It is a bit difficult for us humans to guess what exactly they are saying to one another, but when a dog barks at us, it is usually relatively easy to tell what it is they mean by it.
Dogs will bark at people when they are ready to be fed, to be let outdoors or for a variety of other reasons. When a dog barks, he usually looks in the direction of what he wants, and this can be a good clue as to what his barking means. If your dog wants to go outdoors, he will probably bark at you and then look at the door.
A dog that seems to bark for no reason at all, could have a psychological problem or even a heath issue, and it would be a good idea to talk to a veterinarian about it.
Dogs bark to communicate. So the next time your dog barks for what you think is no apparent reason, just watch him carefully and you will probably discover why he is barking.
Dogs will bark at people when they are ready to be fed, to be let outdoors or for a variety of other reasons. When a dog barks, he usually looks in the direction of what he wants, and this can be a good clue as to what his barking means. If your dog wants to go outdoors, he will probably bark at you and then look at the door.
A dog that seems to bark for no reason at all, could have a psychological problem or even a heath issue, and it would be a good idea to talk to a veterinarian about it.
Dogs bark to communicate. So the next time your dog barks for what you think is no apparent reason, just watch him carefully and you will probably discover why he is barking.